61 Unirii Boulevard, Bl. F3, Entrance 4, 2nd floor, Apt. 208, Bucharest


To obtain a long-stay visa for employment, you must submit the following documents:

- a copy of the vacancy notice issued by the General Inspectorate for Immigration or, where applicable, documents proving that the applicant is in the categories of foreign nationals who can be employed without a vacancy notice;

- proof of the means of maintenance at the level of the minimum guaranteed minimum wage in the payment for the entire period covered by the visa;

- a criminal record certificate or other document of the same legal value issued by the authorities of the country of domicile or residence;

- medical insurance during the period of validity of the visa.

The following categories of foreigners can be employed or can work for natural or legal persons in Romania without a vacancy notice:

a) foreigners whose free access to the labor market in Romania is established by treaties concluded by Romania with other states;

b) foreigners who are to carry out teaching, scientific or other categories of temporary activities in institutions accredited or provisionally authorized in Romania, on the basis of bilateral agreements or as holders of a temporary right of residence for carrying out activities scientific research and specially qualified personnel, based on the order of the minister of national education, as well as foreigners who perform artistic activities in cultural institutions in Romania, based on the order of the minister of culture;

c) foreigners who are to carry on the territory of Romania temporary activities requested by ministries or other central or local public administration authorities or by autonomous administrative authorities;

d) foreigners who are appointed under the direction of a subsidiary, representations or branches on the territory of Romania of a company which has its headquarters abroad, according to the documents provided by the Romanian legislation, which prove this;

e) foreigners holding the right of long-term residence on the territory of Romania;

f) foreigners holding the right of temporary residence for family reunification as family members of a Romanian citizen;

g) foreigners holding the right of temporary residence for studies;

h) foreigners holding the right of temporary residence granted according to the provisions of art. 130 of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 194/2002, republished, as subsequently amended and supplemented;

i) foreigners holding a valid temporary residence permit granted for the purpose of family reunification who have previously enjoyed a right of residence on Romanian territory as family members of a Romanian citizen and who are in one of the situations envisaged to art. 64 par. (2) of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 194/2002, republished, as subsequently amended and supplemented;

j) foreigners who have acquired a form of protection in Romania;

k) asylum seekers from the date when they have the right to access the labor market according to the Law no. 122/2006 on asylum in Romania, as subsequently amended and supplemented, if it is still in the process of determining a form of protection;

l) the aliens tolerated, as long as they have tolerated the stay on the Romanian territory;

m) foreigners with the right of temporary residence for work purposes, employed on the territory of Romania with an individual full-time employment contract, for employment with another employer, with an individual part-time contract, with the duration of the work up to four hours a day;

n) foreigners holding the right of temporary residence for studies may be employed on the territory of Romania without a notice of employment only with an individual labor contract with part time with the duration of the work of maximum four hours a day;

o) foreigners holding the right of temporary residence for religious activities to be employed on the territory of Romania, within the units of worship.

The holder of a long-stay visa for employment will also apply for a residence permit in Romania, with the General Inspectorate for Immigration, by personally submitting a set of documents that attest to his or her right of stay in the country. The residence permit is a document that will be carried by the foreign national at all times, and the application is mandatory for long-term stays.

Long stay visa for posting

To obtain the long stay visa for posting, you must submit the following documents:


- a copy of the posting notice issued under the special legislation on employment and detachment of foreigners on the territory of Romania;

- proof of the means of subsistence at the level of the minimum gross national salary guaranteed in payment, for the whole period covered by the visa;

- a criminal record certificate or other document of the same legal value, issued by the authorities of the state of domicile or residence;

- medical insurance during the period of validity of the visa.


They may be posted to Romania without having obtained the posting notice from the beneficiary of the service, foreigners in the following categories:

a) foreign nationals employed by legal persons established in one of the Member States of the European Union or the European Economic Area or in the Swiss Confederation, posted in Romania, provided that the residence permit is presented in that State;

b) foreigners carrying out teaching, scientific or other specific activities of a temporary nature in institutions accredited or provisionally authorized in Romania, on the basis of bilateral agreements or as holders of a right of residence for carrying out scientific research activities; and the specially qualified personnel, on the basis of the order of the Minister of National Education, as well as the foreigners who perform artistic activities in cultural institutions in Romania, based on the Order of the Minister of Culture;

c) foreigners who are to carry on the territory of Romania temporary activities requested by ministries or other central or local public administration authorities or by autonomous administrative authorities;

d) foreigners who are to pursue gainful activities on the basis of international agreements, conventions or agreements to which Romania is a party.


The visa fee is 120 Euros and is paid in the state where you apply.

As an internal procedure, the long-stay visa for employment is approved by the National Visa Center, without the need for the opinion of the General Inspectorate for Immigration. For categories that are lucrative without a vacancy notice, the visa is granted with the approval of the General Inspectorate for Immigration.

The long-stay visa is granted for a period of 90 days with one or more trips.

The long-stay visa for employment can be a route to apply for citizenship in Romania. The candidate will need to reside in the country under this visa for at least 8 years (or less, if married to a Romanian citizen), and he will also need to provide proof of sufficient income and adequate Romanian language knowledge, among other requirements. Our team can give you more details.

